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Robert Ochs

My pop was an artist; but my path to this moment as a painter has been anything but traditional. 


My first career was in Kinesiology - anatomy, exercise physiology-and I taught these classes for many years for dancers and artists at California Institute of the Arts.  That synthesis of art and movement speaks to me, and I love when that comes thru in my paintings.


I also took art classes at the local JC with a particularly encouraging instructor, who thought I had some potential, and felt I should just get a studio and paint.  I wanted to paint, but because of my familiarity with artists and their struggles, I hatched a plan to hedge my bet - I went back to school, believing I could work part-time, and paint along the way.


Then, life happened.  For almost 40 years, I barely picked up a brush.  It seemed I needed space - in my home, in my mind, and in my schedule.  


Upon retiring from the fields of Forensic Mental Health and Probation, I slowly developed a home-studio, where I began spending more and more time.  And I was grabbed again.  


As to the subject of my work, earlier I would have said it is the figure - but less so now.  These days, the subject is shape, value, line, brush stroke, composition, and color - and the figure, the wonderful figure, is something I hang these things on. 


I paint because I love it.  I enjoy applying paint, making marks - and when I’m at my best, that enthusiasm and passion comes thru in my work.  And the knowledge that some folks want to hang my paintings in their home is humbling, and joyful.

Photo on 1-11-24 at 12.51 PM #2.jpg
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